Chorus America Opening Night Concert
Wednesday, June 16, 2021 at 7:00pm CST
Voices Rising: A Choral Affirmation of Black Lives is a collaboration of 200 singers from 12 local choral organizations delivering a united artistic response to the murders of George Floyd and Daunte Wright that have placed the Twin Cities at the heart of our nation’s racial reckoning. The concert will amplify the perspectives of spoken word, dance, and visual artists and activists from the Twin Cities’ Black community.
Curated and led by G. Phillip Shoultz III, Associate Conductor and Director of Learning and Engagement at VocalEssence, the concert will include Angelica Cantanti Youth Choirs, Border CrosSing, Cantus, ComMUSICation, Magnum Chorum, Minnesota Boychoir, Minnesota Chorale & Minneapolis Youth Chorus, National Lutheran Choir, One Voice Mixed Chorus, The Singers, Twin Cities Gay Men’s Chorus, and VocalEssence including the VocalEssence Singers of This Age.
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