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Paperwork and fees due:
1) $40 registration fee
(due at sign up/registration)
2) Tuition payment  or pay online using PAYPAL
3) Medical form



Please mail tuition & medical form to:

Angelica Cantanti Youth Choirs

1800 W. Old Shakopee Rd.

Bloomington, MN  55431



Back to Choir Night         Sunday, August 23, 2015
Bloomington Center for the Arts


The purpose of this event is offer a 1-stop opportunity for parents to turn in tuition and paperwork for the upcoming season & rehearse the National Anthem for our 8/28 Twins Game performance. You may also submit your paperwork & tuition in advance by mail and pay your tuition online with PayPal.

Back to choir night is not required, but if your singer is participating in the National Anthem – all singers should attend the rehearsal at 5:45pm.


Used performance attire sale
3:00pm - Con Brio Choir only

3:45pm - Cantabile Choir only

4:30pm - Concert Choir only

5:00pm - Cantanti Singers only


5:30pm – Tables open to turn in tuition, medical form, pick up Twins tickets, pick up pre-ordered black t-shirts
5:45pm – National Anthem rehearsal for all singers. See rooms below to meet:
6:30pm – Visit the Angelica photo booth!

Singers should pick up a name tag
Con Brio singers meet Mrs. Egger in the Schneider Theater at 5:30pm.
All other singers, look at your name tag for your voice part

5:45pm Sectionals for National Anthem
Soprano 1 – Schneider Theater
Soprano 2 – Council Chambers
Alto -  Rehearsal Hall
Tenor/Bass – upstairs Arts Classroom

CHAMBER SINGERS payment coupons (coming soon)

Angelica Cantanti Youth Choirs

1800 W. Old Shakopee Road

Bloomington, MN  55431

(952) 563-8572


"We are friends forever when we sing together, the whole world is better when we sing."

                                                                                                        -Wallace Hornady

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This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a Minnesota State Arts Board Operating Support grant, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.

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